Monday, November 17, 2008

Full Circle!

  As some of you already know, I received an unexpected and very welcome call from my surgeon on Friday of last week.  I didn't hear my phone and she left a voicemail, the news was good news... but I wish I could have actually spoken to her to get more 'clear' information... I guess the clarity will come on the 24th when I have my follow up visit with her.  

  The message said... 'Nothing'... 'they found nothing in the samples they took in my most recent biopsies'!  By 'nothing' I'm not sure if that just means no Cancer... or really... nothing... as in not even any ALH as they'd found in my first biopsy?!  If it really is 'nothing'... I'm assuming that means that no further action is needed on my right breast at this time and that it will be closely monitored with Mammograms over the next months/years!?  This also means that in the past two monhts I've pretty much come 'full circle' and I'm right back where I was when I was supposed to feel fortunate that I only had DCIS!?  

*laughs... shaking her head... only slightly bewildered* !

  The other 'great news' is that the insurance company is finally covering some of my current medical bills!  I have no idea what they'll cover or how I figure any of this out... but at least it looks like they've lifted the dreaded 'pre-existing' status off of my account!  

  Seems now is about the time I pull up my bootstraps... kick myself in the butt and get back to life!  I'll have (I'm assuming) one more day surgery ahead of me in the near future for the biopsy on the AHL and the lumpectomy on the site where the DCIS was found (both on the left side) and now that things have taken a positive turn... I'll shoot for the stars and hope I don't even need radiation or medication!  

  I could probably make a list of 'things I've learned' since all this started... top of my list would be how I (and my fellow Canadian friends/family) should never take for granted the health care system provided across Canada.  I realize it varies from one province to another... but from where I'm sitting now... it all looks pretty good to me!  

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