Today started off on a very great note with receiving the call from Dr. Jones' office this morning letting me know my pathology report came back as 'Benign' (my new favorite word!) for my tissue samples from my Gyn. surgery last week!
This afternoon I go to the hospital for my injection for my Sentinel Node Biopsy which will be done at the beginning of my Bilateral Mastectomy tomorrow morning. The dye is injected in advance and by the time they go in to find the Nodes in surgery tomorrow... they'll be 'glowing' and easy to find! Let's just hope they're healthy!! The Node samples will be sent off to pathology while I am in the operating room and (fingers & toes crossed!) will come back without signs of Cancer having passed through. I have already signed a consent for a complete Auxiliary Node Disection (which is the removal of any and all nodes that can be found) should the Sentinel Nodes come back as positive. *My belly just did a little flip/flop at the thought. Should this be the case... I won't even know about it until after I awake from surgery tomorrow afternoon... but I think I'll go back to the promise I made to myself weeks ago... and will worry about that when/if I have to. If they find any Cancer during the surgery tomorrow that we don't already know about... I'm going to be wishing I could be where I am 'right now'!* I won't have the pathology report back from the breast tissue until next week. For now I'm trying very hard to stick to the 'one thing/one day at a time' rule!
There's no question that I recognize the level of importance of ridding my body of Cancer over going through the pains (emotionally and physically) to get there. My focus now is on hearing 'No More Cancer' from my pathology report on my first follow up with Dr. Lee, which I'm already looking forward to on Feb/18th. I like that I more so see myself 'beyond' the surgery and working my way back to 'Me'... rather than dwelling on the thoughts of what Dr. Miles explained as what will feel like 'an elephant sitting on my chest' for a few days :p As long as the elephant gets up and moves on at some point!!
Once we get through the surgery and back home... I understand the Surgical Drains are the worst of the first week or so. I think I'm going to have (yikes!) 4 of them :| But... Like everything else, we'll deal with it in turn. First things first... get through the surgery and get back Home :)
Okay... Now's the time to start emitting all the "Healthy, Cancer Free, No Infection, Fast Draining, Fast Healing" ViBeS you can put out... I've got a wide open, positive heart... ready to catch all of them :)
Lisa xo
Finally. It's the night before. I've not been through anything this life changing, but what with I have experienced, getting to THE day is more than half the battle.
You have shown amazing strength, I'm in awe. I'll keep following along and wish you the best on your journey down recovery road.
xoxoxoxoxoxo - Angie
You are my HERO Lisa! Good luck and please let me know how you are doing when you feel up to it.
Love Dar
Lisa....I just found out about your cancer from Who's Pearl Jam aka. My Bobsta. I'm sending out good vibes and well wishes for a complete and full recovery. Lots of love and hugs going out to you sweetie.
Only JUST found out about your plight from the "Message Community" or whatever the heck they call it now...
Anyway, wow! Your strength through everthing is stunning!
I hope your surgeries have gone well and wish you only good health from here on in... Maybe in September we can hook up in Seattle again and I can give a hug...
Best wishes,
Kim & Paris
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